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You searched for: court

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  • Jury tricks guilty defendant by stating not innocent verdict instead of guilty verdict.
  • Judge returns to using manual gavel after electronic gavel causes too many courtroom injuries.
  • A lawyer trying to demonstrate that fireworks are safe gets exploded.
  • A court rules that Frank can't call his homemade chili "Frank's Famous Chili" because none of the witnesses have heard of it.
  • Ventriloquist on trial throws his voice to the juror reading the ventriloquist's verdict.
  • Prosecution asks Scarecrow on trial to explain a grainy photo if Scarecrow was not near crime scene.
  • North American Indian and cowboy see smoke signals.
  • The steroid abuse trial takes a sudden turn when the judge smashes the bench with his gavel.
  • Judge allows woman to change name but not birthdate.
  • Jury goes for instant gratification instead of deliberating, and declares the defendant guilty.
  • Lawyer explains by laptop to a man on the moon that judge is known for strict restraining orders.
  • A jury of the defendant's clones finds the defendant not guilty of cloning.

You searched for: court