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You searched for: bird

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  • Bird in bed warns mate it likes to get up early and chirp incessantly all morning.
  • Cat on laptop misses birds on Zoom meeting during winter migration south.
  • Pet macaw bird excites frenzied dog mimicking owner saying go for a walk & time for din-din,
  • Carrot couple shocked big bag babies carrots family stork delivery.
  • Cat headed guest tells Medusa she has interesting parties in lost 1991 cartoon.
  • Turkeys eating human Thanksgiving dinner give thanks for alternate universe reality.
  • Therapist tells turkey in appointment he understands afraid of being gaslighted.
  • Thanksgiving turkey on farm wears tasteless ugly clothing to avoid being eaten.
  • Cat asks what bird in its mouth is worth at bird in hand two in bush cats’ currency exchanging office.
  • Tired turkey in bed tells annoyed turkey waking it up to let it sleep ten more minutes per pound.
  • Turkey on family Thanksgiving Zoom meeting raises hand when woman on laptop asks who suggested online get together.
  • Turkeys audience likes movie of turkey with stuffing behind man coking Thanksgiving dinner.

You searched for: bird