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You searched for: mother

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  • An oyster gets her kids to irritate her husband so he'll make pearls.
  • Ants only visit their mom on sundaes.
  • Timmy looks for his mom and dad after creating huge mess while unwrapping his Christmas presents
  • Two kangaroos explain to their adult son that it is time for him to move out while he rests on top of his mom's pouch.
  • Boy thinks about his day, which included eating spaghetti, playing games, cleaning his room, and shaving the cat, and wonders why his mom punished him.
  • Letter E teacher tells letter E parents that child is quiet and uninvolved, needs career as silent letter, parents think Hope and Love, child thinks Trouble.
  • Mother sheet of paper has staples, daughter has paper clips, mom tells daughter she is too young for staples.
  • One pair of pliers tells another pair of pliers that Billy is being punished and can't come out and ply, instead of play.
  • Father alligator tells mother alligator that their baby is getting big, and he wonders if they should flush her down the toilet.
  • Doctor listens to pregnant woman's belly, she asks him how many heartbeats he hears because baby is in womb playing bongos.
  • Children watching National Geographic are scared of mom because mother turtles abandon young, and mother chameleons eat their young.
  • Student realizes she doesn't have her homework, but her dad's policital campaign speech, while Dad gives speech talking about liking Mommy and being pretty in dresses.

You searched for: mother