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You searched for: parent

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A worm goes in one ear of corn and out of another.
  • A chicken downloads pictures of plucked chickens online.
  • A book plays in the dirt without its dust jacket.
  • A man with a giant child asks his wife to burn Hop on Pop.
  • A nurse performs an ultrasound on an egg pregnant with a baby chick.
  • Praying mantis bumper stickers have jokes about eating other mantises.
  • A young shark gets a victim for her birthday.
  • A caveman dad invents the wheel to soothe his cranky baby.
  • Mr. Peanut doesn't know what became of his great uncle Sheldon.
  • A dad tells his daughter to sit farther back from the TV while he's close to his computer screen.

  • The little bad wolf's sister tattles on him when he blows down Barbie's house and eats the doll.
  • The Green Giant's mom nags him to eat his fertilizer so he'll grow up to be big and leafy.

You searched for: parent