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You searched for: technology

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Boss upset at construction workers tweeting on twitter while working.
  • Humpty Dumpty fall is told via Facebook wall updates.
  • Pear wife angry when she catches apple husband downloading passion fruit picture online.
  • Child tries to sneak iPhone onto the school supply list.
  • Student keeps school presentation short because laughing class saw what happened on YouTube.
  • Student reads log of Twitter updates for her "what I did on my summer vacation" essay.
  • Workers stay late to finish playing "Something" on the newly released Beatles Rock Band game.
  • Wife changes facebook status to "single"' right before husband goes into surgery.
  • Owners lap sizes match the size of their laptops.
  • Cats see dog obey owner and wonder if it is voice-activated.
  • Viewer using live rewind feature causes fans to see game go backward.
  • Cat is offended that his friend "tweets" when he should "meow."

You searched for: technology