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You searched for: mother

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A wallaby gets an inferiority complex when its mom carries it in a fanny pack.
  • A man wipes his hands on the curtains after changing his baby's diaper.
  • Your baby's first squeeze toy is your bladder while you're pregnant.
  • A cat threatens to wake up a woman's baby if she doesn't give him some fish.
  • Columbus tries to travel around his mother's uterus.
  • A baby falls out of a treetop and the police wonder who would be stupid enough to put a cradle there.
  • A woman's standards of productiveness change when she has a baby.
  • A baby shark is teething.
  • A man cuts the light cord instead of the umbilical cord.
  • Funky Winkerbean gets his name because he was born smelling bad.
  • A man begs a doctor to induce his wife's labor so their baby will be a compatible star sign.
  • A new dad thinks his baby blew a gasket.

You searched for: mother