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You searched for: mom

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man begs a doctor to induce his wife's labor so their baby will be a compatible star sign.
  • A new dad thinks his baby blew a gasket.
  • Twins fight over who gets to leave the womb first.
  • A new mom ink bottle can't tell if her kid is a girl or a boy, but she has an inkling.
  • A pregnant woman can't stop saying contractions.
  • A woman packs her cats, husband, and dog in cardboard boxes when she moves.
  • A horse's mom asks if he was raised in a house.
  • A snake eats a lot because she's pregnant with twenty to thirty eggs.
  • A woman and her husband have huge feet, so the woman suffers when her unborn baby starts kicking.
  • A bunch of women get coached through labor at once.
  • A woman gets an ultrasound and her unborn child is holding a sign that says "No more chili."
  • A woman hearing her son was in an accident is scared he's dead, but instead is horrified to hear he was wearing dirty underwear.

You searched for: mom