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Turtles look for new places to live, but all the good ones are on a golf course.
A man waxes his car with turtle wax, while a turtle waxes his shell with car wax.
A snail is jealous beacause her husband is hanging out with a turtle.
A turtle imagines giving a talk to shell-less turtles.
A turtle with three heads uses a carpool line.
Giant turtle, after swallowing man, scares workers away by asking them if guy looks good in a turtleneck, and man is visible inside turtle's throat.
Children watching National Geographic are scared of mom because mother turtles abandon young, and mother chameleons eat their young.
Turtle coming out of a store wonders where he parked because the parking lot is full of turtle shells that all look the same.
Turtle stuck on back after falling off ladder agrees to take wife to dinner and movie and buy roses if she will turn him over.
Turtle trying to reach racing finish line is followed by a Hare Krishna who keeps trying to get his attention and give him pamphlet.
Turtle locks himself out of his shell, he is standing next to shell naked and using wire hanger to try and open shell.