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You searched for: schools

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  • No one graduates from the Cat Obedience School.
  • Parents come to parents' night at a school and a monster looks at his kid's webbed hand turkey.
  • A teacher's new students throw lots of paper airplanes because they're origami enthusiasts.
  • Cats do good work in school by ignoring the teacher.
  • A boy watching a back to school ad wishes he didn't have to go, but the fish watching wishes he was back with his school.
  • A nerd in a library is a girl's brain throb.
  • A woman is proud of her daughter's art, but the principal is mad because she drew all over his portrait.
  • A dog goes to obedience school and a cat goes to disobedience school.
  • A student reaches his essay's 500-word requirement by giving each noun 25 adjectives.
  • Kids in caveman school draw on the walls.
  • Kids start bringing full meals to class once the teacher starts allowing chewing gum.
  • Teacher will grade students' assessments of their own self-given grades.

You searched for: schools