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You searched for: sayings

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  • Pigs think that the 'Apple-A-Day' theory has been blown out of the water.
  • A dentist has a patient who took a tooth for a tooth.
  • Today is the first day of this cat's sixth life.
  • A group of devils have a workshop about what to do with idle hands.
  • People race into the water at the beach, but the sharks are planning on eating the first one who gets in the water.
  • A rulebook has nothing about clawing the hand that feeds you.
  • A woman named Hope steals a turtle from a zoo.
  • A horse gets arrested for drunk driving because his buddies lead him to a watering hole but didn't make him drink.
  • A turkey about to be killed says his behind is a terrible thing to baste.
  • Adam and Eve get kicked out of heaven, but at least they can keep the doctor away by eating apples now.
  • A cat does his best thinking inside the box'the litter box.
  • A tree falls and no one hears it.

You searched for: sayings