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You searched for: overweight

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  • After liposcution, no money for tummy tuck plastic surgery.
  • An angel peering down at his crime scene complains his chalk outline makes him look fat.
  • A lawyer asks a bloated Little Bo Peep what really happened to all those sheep.
  • Overweight man asks city workers to not place the "thickly settled"' sign in front of his house.
  • Wife balloon is upset with her husband when he goes out to an oxygen bar and comes home inflated.
  • Doctor gets a phone call in the middle of a surgery, saying that the rights to that stomach stapling are copyrighed.
  • A fruit yells at other fruits to not look at its weight on the scale.
  • A doctor's patient is so fat that his love handles have love handles.
  • Husband fish tells wife fish that fishing story is not true and that she is not that big.
  • Female octopus likes her mate's love handles.
  • Kangaroo thinks baby is in pouch but kangaroo is just fat.
  • Man insulates himself with body fat for winter but wife thought he was going to insulation house for winter.

You searched for: overweight