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You searched for: life or death situation

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  • Frankenstein is surprised a hat can bring life to something watching Frosty the Snowman.
  • Wine bottle is excited when red wine comes to life and is breathing.

  • Frankenstein's monster asks Frankenstein to change his wife's mind whenever they argue.
  • A baby meteor asks his dad what happened to the dinosaurs.
  • A fish comes to the shore and sees a walk sign.
  • Frosty the snowman melts and comes back to life as a zombie.
  • Caesar has to vote pictures of knights up and down online.
  • The grim reaper gets distracted by chocolate.
  • Frosty the Snowman has to wear a hat to come to life, but his friend Louie has to wear a bra to come to life.
  • Rather than watch swimmers, lifeguard prefers women playing volleyball.
  • Rather than "Live long and prosper," angry Mr. Spock reverses his motto.
  • Man asks Grim Reaper if he can add minutes onto to his life through phone.

You searched for: life or death situation