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You searched for: ironic

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The cartoonist lets his family come up with ideas for the Fathers' Day cartoon.
  • Patient discovers cantaloupe as a more effective way to keep the doctor away.
  • An asteroid hits Jerry Lee Lewis.
  • In his later years, Sam does not like green prunes and bran.
  • A spider and a woman in the shower each think the other is the ugliest thing ever.
  • A swami sleeping on a bed of needles gets pins and needles in his hand.
  • Chicken Little dies when the letters "SKY" fall from a sign.
  • A man's survival guide warns him that reading is vulnerable as a bear attacks him.
  • A truck sunk in the ocean has a How's My Driving bumper sticker.
  • People can't share the book about sharing.
  • Several cars are accordioned in a pileup accident with an accordion shipping truck.
  • Lifesavers take an ant's life.

You searched for: ironic