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You searched for: giant

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  • At the end of the day, Gulliver scrapes Lilliputians off the bottom of his shoes.
  • The Green Giant sprays Raid on his armpits.
  • A giant ladybug lands on a man, crushing him.
  • The Green Giant's barber uses a weed whacker to cut his hair.
  • The Green Giant tells his therapist he's falling in love with his best friend's Chia Pet.
  • Santa sues the Jolly Green Giant for ripping off his catchphrase.
  • People go to Big Sir instead of Big Sur.
  • Natural wonders for sand fleas include a grand canyon made by a woman's buttocks.
  • King Kong eats an airplane and thinks it's gross.
  • Giant turtle, after swallowing man, scares workers away by asking them if guy looks good in a turtleneck, and man is visible inside turtle's throat.
  • Man standing outside of his home with giant house numbers displaying 55, his address, complains to neighbor that he still gets the wrong mail.
  • Giants compare innie and Audie belly buttons

You searched for: giant