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You searched for: fat

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A magician can't do his trick right because his rabbit is too fat.
  • A clown's doctor tells him he's too fat and needs to get hit in the face with lower-calorie pie.
  • Dorothy orders heart healthy food, and the tin man orders bacon.
  • Monsters watch a horror movie called Creature From The Black Hot Tub.
  • A caveman's cave-drawing profile picture is out of date.
  • Lint truffles are bellybutton candies.
  • Researchers looking for Bigfoot find Bigcankle instead.
  • Medusa's hair thickener is made of mice.
  • A piece of wood can't fit into her jeans because she's no longer a 2x4.
  • A snowman inverts his body to make it look like he lost weight.
  • The groundhog is scared of his shadow because it makes him look fat.
  • In desperate attempt to lose weight, woman cuts hair.

You searched for: fat