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  • Godzilla eats legal contracts from a prune factory because he thinks they won't be binding.
  • Godzilla sees a girl Godzilla and wonders if hers is the face that lunched a thousand ships.
  • Godzilla eats the Hasbro toy factory and thinks he shouldn't be yo-yo dieting.
  • Godzilla replenishes his electrolytes by eating the GE building.
  • Godzilla eats Garth Brooks and gets his hat stuck in his throat.
  • Godzilla plays virtual reality games about stepping on buildings.
  • During the 70s, cities would use Pete Townsend's windmill as emergency power.
  • Godzilla sneezes a hole in a building.
  • A giant lizard monster needs a nap after eating the city Turkey.
  • A giant lizard monster offers another monster a continental breakfast, but the other says he can barely finish a small city.
  • A giant lizard monster's tongue grows hair after he takes a bite out of a factory that makes hair restoration cream.
  • A giant lizard monster eats the IRS.

You searched for: city