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You searched for: christmas trees

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  • Man untangles Christmas lights but becomes tied up himself.
  • Woman put real star on her real Christmas tree.
  • Ornaments disappointed when they aren't picked up for the new Christmas season.
  • Contrary to the Night Before Christmas, a scary mouse is stirring.
  • Neighbor compliments Christmas tree with orange car fur which he thinks is tinsel.
  • Christmas tree receives wreath with kidnapping ransom note.
  • Kid is surprised Santa Claus looks like a monster instead of popular media images.
  • Christmas Tree newscaster reports that Santa Claus is ax murderer.
  • Surviving Christmas with a cat around is difficult for Christmas ornaments.
  • Family dog gives family cat a sweater to befoul as a Christmas gift, instead of chewing it himself.
  • Christmas tree isn't watered enough, so it takes the water from a nearby fish bowl.
  • Christmas ornaments watch a movie called Nightmare Before Christmas where a cat bats at an ornament.

You searched for: christmas trees