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You searched for: buy

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  • Shopper sees bags honestly labeled squirrel seed in store, not bird seed.
  • Grocery shopper tells woman buying cart of Halloween candies trick-or-treat cancelled in her area and she answers mine too.
  • Frankenstein on computer website sees country and hardware store DNA ethnicity results.
  • Disappointed witch in too small witches hat tells other witch not used to buying online.
  • Witch grocery shops for creepy witches’ boys ‘n’ berry pie in supermarket freezer.
  • Sad man regrets buying negative room-darkening window shades for room.
  • Mom on computer shopping Back -To-School clothing sale website sees pants discontinued as son does remote learning in underwear.
  • Annoyed man driving car regrets buying spoiler telling him movie’s surprise plot twist.
  • Home buyer bunnies ask real estate rabbit if there’s anything to disclose as neighbor dog watches out window.
  • Scared pig on laptop sees customers who bought straw house also buy nothing online ever again.
  • Panicked shoppers running in 5K marathon rush to run errands to stores, bank, dry clean and vet.
  • Russian matryoshka doll with laptop buying dress on website chooses size all of them.

You searched for: buy