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You searched for: avoid

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The crew of the Enterprise can't fight Aunti Matter.
  • A woman avoids a man from the sales department by using Doo Doo Breath breath spray.
  • The last leaf on a tree wonders if the other leaves left because of his bad breath.
  • People eating garlic scampi sit very far away from each other.
  • Beelzebub goes to the doctor after sitting on his own tail.
  • An infographic shows how cats see humans.
  • Fly on his way to a stress reduction training seminar narrowly escapes death by a flyswatter, a frog, a spider, a cat, and bug spray.
  • Girl's dog and cats sitting with her friend, she tells friend her pets love her, friend says she wants to be veterinarian, pets run away.
  • Illustration for growing ostrich from seed, starts as tiny body, body gets bigger, neck gets longer, feet grow, ostrich pops head out, hides again.
  • Salesperson for IRS stamp company can't ever find anyone at home.

You searched for: avoid