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You searched for: attract

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man wishes he paid attention in physics class when catapulting to woman on other island.
  • Camel is attracted to another camel's humps use rap song lyrics.
  • Cats attracted by fish smell prompt man to light candle that attracts bees.
  • Juror's beauty distracts courtroom artist from sketching defendant.
  • A man dislikes how far apart his date's eyes are -- one in her head, and one in Paris.
  • Dog provides service by helping man attract beautiful women.
  • Bird admits doing an entire mating dance before realizing chirping was smoke detector.
  • Fish admires beauty of girlfriend caught in fishnets.
  • Male moose drives sports car to compensate for his small antlers.
  • Sleeping cat uses laws of attraction to get universe to provide abundance of mice.
  • Woman can't find the seafood leftovers as cats swarm car where leftovers were forgotten.
  • Mark's family comes up with cartoon ideas for Father's Day.

You searched for: attract