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Telecommuting worker is frustrated by slacker cats and dog coworker pets napping while he works.
Telecommuting pet owner covered by cats and dog coworkers with no sense of personal space.
Telecommuting worker in online meeting shoves cluttered mess away from computer webcam.
Blurry picture of too much caffeine espresso business founder in office is painted with shaking lines.
Telecommuting woman sees jerk pet coworker cat deleting computer file and dog chewing paperwork.
Telecommuting worker eating in kitchen is grossed out by coworker cat’s dead rat lunch.
Confused telecommuting workers on online Zoom meeting can’t decide what day it is.
Grouchy cat boss knocks telecommuting owner’s paperwork off desk in harsh performance review.
Pet owner’s disgusting cat barf and dog slobber coworker noises are a working from home problem.
Demanding dog and cat bosses want bellies rubbed by owner in working from home problems.
Sneaky dog coworker runs off stealing owner’s lunch in working from home problems.
Attention seeking cats and dog crowding owner’s home office cause unproductive meetings in working from home problems.