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You searched for: sell

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Car dealership offers no payments until 2013 and gets many Mayan customers.
  • Salesman sells washing machine made for people's clothes that need to be washed separately
  • Guilt-free mower runs on solar while guilt-ridden mower runs on grass screams.
  • Girl runs a green but germy lemonade stand by using the same cup over and over.
  • Realtor brings old woman to Colonial, Victorian, and Ranch shoes.
  • Vowel tries to sell self to consonant on street corner.
  • Reality show Flip That House is on TV while a pet turtle struggles to flip his house.
  • Oprah gave away all the cars at Al's Cars dealership.
  • A hot dog factory is closed because all the ingredients go directly to Fear Factor.
  • A man sells his soul online directly to the Devil.
  • Shirt sellers can't figure out how to sell shirts to the guys who get arrested on COPS.
  • The Toothfairy has an ethical problem when wanting to sell a celebrity's baby's teeth.

You searched for: sell