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You searched for: home improvement

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A baby notices that by hitting items in store with hammer he gets attention just like a judge in a court.
  • Dog plumber makes a modification to the toilet.
  • A man leaves his dog alone in the house and the dog paints the room because the floor is covered in newspaper.
  • Plumber installs a vent pipe to husband (an old fixture).
  • Construction demolition on wall has worker being surprised by the head of a Jack in the box.
  • Man insulates himself with body fat for winter but wife thought he was going to insulation house for winter.
  • Floors get sanded with beach sand.
  • Bathroom tiles have people's faces on them, giving a personal touch
  • Two cats can't decide what type of wallpaper to decorate walls in home with.
  • Husband has to put color swatches on the walls.
  • A man is wearing a wig that looks like his rug.
  • The home owners plan to add another deck to this house made of cards.

You searched for: home improvement