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You searched for: gym

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • An ancient Egyptian gym is 2-dimensional.
  • Zombies exercise on the "Plod Master", a type of treadmill, at the gym.
  • A snowman gets rock hard abs by opening a box of coal.
  • A weight loss boot camp with severe consequences for leaving.
  • A woman's clothes spend more time on the treadmill then she does.
  • Bendy straws are yoga instructors since they are flexible.
  • A woman hangs her clothes on a treadmill at a gym.
  • Gold's Gym is located right next to Jim's Gold.
  • Gym class where fairy tales are used as equipment.
  • A treadmill made to simulate walking in cake.
  • A man thinks he's stronger because his Christmas tree feels lighter, but it's lighter because its needles fell off.
  • A piece of grass takes yoga classes and ducks under the lawn mower.

You searched for: gym