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Consumer criminals wore bowling shirt playing pool, used table spoon at counter, ate cold cuts room temp & used baby powder when old in product crimes.
Customer doubts misspelled sign coffee shop will spell name right.
Customer marks quotes on gross taste “delicious” apples grocery store sign.
Criminal customers eat deli lunch meats at dinner, wore sun dress in cloudy weather, spread jelly with butter knife & walking in running sneakers.
Grocery shopping dog buys canned pet food marketed with more disgusting horrible taste for dogs.
Customer shops heavy, heavier & heaviest cat & dog sleeping pet weighted blanket selection.
Vampire on laptop with melted face gives Instacart online groceries garlic potato chips substitution 1 star review.
Shopper sees bags honestly labeled squirrel seed in store, not bird seed.
Full belly no vacancy sign for turkey leg and broccoli travelers but has room for pie.
Thanksgiving turkey, stuffing turnip and mashed potato flavor Oreo cookies disgusts grocery shopper.
Grocery shopper tells woman buying cart of Halloween candies trick-or-treat cancelled in her area and she answers mine too.
Witch grocery shops for creepy witches’ boys ‘n’ berry pie in supermarket freezer.