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You searched for: world wide web

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • The insects a fly and a butterfly don't like the World Wide Web or the 'Net.
  • A man types 'Nice to meet you' in the air while trying to talk to a girl at a bar.
  • Quasimodo became a hunchback because he sat at the computer looking at porn instead of getting up and stretching.
  • A newspaper boy delivers computers instead of papers after the local newspaper goes digital.
  • A fish goes online and tells a woman that he's cute and has dark eyes and a swimmer's body.
  • A cat hacks a computer to produce a furball.
  • A pair of dogs use the computer to find out which local cats have been declawed.
  • A computer goes postal after being forced to send too many emails.

You searched for: world wide web