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You searched for: parent

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man buys a headache detector to see if his wife is lying about wanting to have sex.
  • Willie Wonka's parents get him a candy factory because he asked for a chocolate lab.
  • A dog mom reads her puppy a rhyme about an old dog who lived in a shoe.
  • Kids who build models want inspiration, so they search for "built models" online.
  • A cat mom nags her son to empty his pockets before putting his clothes in the laundry because she found a mouse in the washing machine.
  • Alan Greenspan decides to slow down his kids' growth with cigarettes.
  • A bat parent watching TV complains that prime time is just guano jokes these days.
  • An alien on the moon says Neil Armstrong didn't take a giant leap until they met.
  • Mr. Potatohead goes bungee jumping and loses all his senses.
  • Gumby's mom gets mad at him when she finds his copy of Clayboy Magazine.
  • A mom gets her kids to eat vegetables by putting Pokemon on them.
  • A kid's baby picture looks like he's on a bearskin rug, but actually he's on his dad's hairy leg.

You searched for: parent