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You searched for: world wide web

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Little Bo Peep searches for sheep online.

  • A student says dot to his teacher instead of period because he's used to reading web URLs.
  • A man spends too much time shopping online and goes to the mall in his underwear.
  • Fish wives think their husbands are online or on the net.
  • A dog's wife catches him looking at filth on the internet.
  • A pig goes to therapy to talk about getting spam in his email.
  • A woman has lots of computer problems, but masters drag-and-drop by dragging her computer to a cliff and dropping it off the edge.
  • A website is worried a man doesn't care about her.
  • The Cookie Monster is excited when the Keebler website puts a cookie on his hard drive.
  • A dog dislikes technology because now to eat kids' homework he has to eat their whole computer.
  • Office workers solve the Y2K problem, but their boss wants them to work on Y10K.
  • A mouse kid builds a mousetrap based on plans from the internet.

You searched for: world wide web