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Man thinks about date, he complimented service, asked for another date, showed her food on his dental floss, wonders why she got sick and left.
Bottle of wine at dating service, tells employee the girl for him should be complex, yet simple, smooth with character, delicate body, and bold.
Dorothy tells Dereck they haven't been dating, she's been researching a scientific study on undesirable men, she's done now, another researcher will follow up sometime.
One fruit fly tells another to take a long walk on a short pear, instead of pier because they are tiny fruit flies.
Man asks Wilamina to come with him, he'll give her anything her heart desires, Wilamina's heart is excited and picturing itself in a new car.
Woman asks Jimmy if she can turn his stereo down because stereo is turned on, playing romantic music, and trying to give her flowers.
Earth does a comb over to cover ozone hole in atmosphere.
Earth notices a volcano, like a pimple, on his forehead before his date with Venus.
Derek's plan to woo his date is ruined when he runs over her dog.