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You searched for: mom

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A skunk watches an ad for stink enhancement.
  • A baby knows how to operate a computer better than his dad.
  • In the scarier version of Star Wars, Darth Vader reveals that he's actually Luke Skywalker's mom.
  • A fish mom tells her son not to evolve into a land-roving creature until it's been half an hour since he ate.
  • A worm goes in one ear of corn and out of another.
  • The cartoonist lets his family come up with ideas for the Fathers' Day cartoon.
  • A chicken downloads pictures of plucked chickens online.
  • A librarian wants her daughter returned by 9, or she'll start charging her date nickel fines.
  • A book plays in the dirt without its dust jacket.
  • A miner hits a motherlode full of moms.
  • A baby goes to a consultant to better manipulate its parents.
  • A nurse performs an ultrasound on an egg pregnant with a baby chick.

You searched for: mom