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You searched for: parent

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A baby is the family's new entertainment system.
  • A man has something on his foot, either a Lego piece of a Barbie shoe.
  • Frankenstein doesn't understand the current fashion to have bolts all over your head.
  • A school bus has a bin on the back for parents to throw in things their kids forgot.
  • Photos are all natural memory enhancers.
  • The devil watches as his kids play in a propane sprinkler.
  • A stork goes to a party, and thinks his potato salad might be a letdown.
  • A girl scout and her father talk about their different patches.
  • People go down a sunscreen slide at the beach.
  • A boy collects all of the good skipping stones and sets up a booth.
  • A little girl does more stretches during a half hour cartoon than her mom's friend does in three months of yoga.
  • Mark takes the day off and his family comes up with the ideas for the cartoon.

You searched for: parent