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You searched for: technology

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cat writes How to Care for Your Cat website to get what he wants.
  • Daffy Duck, Donald Duck, and Chickenhawk are the original angry birds.
  • A smart vacuum keeps you from vacuuming legos and rings.
  • A woman switches dating sites when picnics are only common interest with ant.
  • Laughing gas takes effect on patient as she texts LOL.
  • Godzilla is trending on Twitter.
  • Man on beach wonders what woman's QR code tattoo links to.
  • Laptop needed a surge protector when seeing attractive female.
  • Dog's convoluted name is a good password.
  • Opposing player taunts batter by texting "no batter."
  • Man chooses tattoo that fits in with others like in Tetris video game.
  • Wife rushes to give gift to husband before the technology product becomes obsolete.

You searched for: technology