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You searched for: summer

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  • Raccoon and rabbit at beach play rock-paper-scissors to decide who applies sunblock to porcupine’s spiny back.
  • Man uses a sand detector in a pile of trash at the beach to look for sand.
  • Tyrannosaurus dino at beach has red sunburn everywhere its short arms can’t apply sunscreen.
  • Godzilla parent tells monster child not to come into the house until it wipes squished people from the beach off feet.
  • Highway road signs welcomes drivers to Massachusetts and warns to watch out for dropping r’s in Boston accents.
  • Customers are arrested and jailed for minor consumer crimes.

  • Crying patient in psychologist’s office is upset about missing summer.
  • Humid weather makes Medusa’s snake hair curled and frizzy.
  • Comb and Don't Comb signs at beach tell beachcombers when to cross.
  • With people readings their phones on the beach, aerial advertiser flys "I give up" sign.
  • People distractedly looking at their phones fall into holes kids dig on the beach.
  • Snowman breaks up with snowwoman because their May-December relationship would cause them to melt.

You searched for: summer