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You searched for: sick

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  • Vet says gesundheit to dog who’s Elizabethan collar has been sneezed inside out.
  • Single cell organism doctor diagnosis's his patient’s rash as athlete’s pseudopod.
  • Baseball catcher’s doctor tells him he’s already had practice saying he’s got it.
  • Unicorn sneeze pokes bird with horn.
  • Bird sneezes covering another bird with bird seed.
  • Dehydrated snowman visits the doctor.
  • Turkey's broken wishbone is diagnosed during an exam.
  • Walking Dead not 100 Percent with missing Arm.
  • Man wants to email his doctor a scan of his butt to ask his opinion on a problem.
  • Cat owner gets full body injuries when she sneezes while cats nap on her.
  • Mr. Potatohead gets sick reading about the year's best mashups.
  • Index fingers on rubber gloves are horrified to learn what they'll be doing.

You searched for: sick