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You searched for: sell

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  • The man selling the Tower of Pisa wanted his sign to be italicized.
  • A modern toilet comes with a digital book reader.
  • A woman reads The Giving Tree to her son and has nightmares about him harvesting her organs.
  • A balding man is offered nose hair transplants.
  • A painter's art has a direct message: everything is for sale.
  • Cat offers curtain protection plan to protect curtains from cat claw damage.
  • Tortoise buys tranquilizer darts to ensure win in race against the hare.
  • Gerry sells food to fasting patients coming out of blood testing.
  • Saleswoman targets Spongebob's complexion for pore concealer.
  • Realtor tries to sell run down gingerbread house ito bake-it-yourselfer.
  • Old woman looking to buy a new shoe home considers a bowling shoe rental instead.
  • Snail fixes up his shell and sells it for a profit as a successful flip.

You searched for: sell