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You searched for: rules

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman runs into a police officer in a leash-only park and lies to him by saying her dog has a cordless leash.
  • Two snowmen can't tell the difference between eyes and teeth, because theirs are made of coal.
  • A teen laptop's dad tells her she can't go out with her easy password.
  • Adam and Eve get kicked out of the Garden of Eden, but now they have apples and can try Adam's apple strudel recipe.
  • Chess pieces watch a horror movie called Taken.
  • For cats, the pain given should be directly proportional to the pleasure received.
  • People learning how to use a pinata hit each other by accident.

  • Pez dispensers on a plane have to store their belongings in their underhead compartment.
  • A woman giving birth has to leave the hospital because they don't accept Saturday deliveries.
  • A girl texts during dinner, so her dad texts her to stop.
  • A boy doesn't have the five-second rule in his house because his dogs eat any food that falls on the floor.
  • Kids start bringing full meals to class once the teacher starts allowing chewing gum.

You searched for: rules