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You searched for: rob

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man whose bed is on a cliff gets out on the wrong side and falls off the edge.
  • A cop arrests a cat burglar by biting the scruff of his neck.
  • A robber has an agent with him to discuss who will play him in the TV reenactment.
  • A robber wears stockings on his legs instead of his face by accident.
  • A raccoon robbing a bank forgets to wear its mask.
  • A rabbit steals a carrot from a snowman's nose to give as a gift.
  • Sallie Mae visits a man who hasn't been keeping up with his student loans.
  • A robber threatens the Green Giant with weed killer.
  • A checker cabbie warns his client that another guy got jumped earlier that day.
  • Thief tells victim that after he beats and robs him, his agent is available to discuss who will portray him in TV re-enactment, agent stands by.

You searched for: rob