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You searched for: refusing

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A snowball refuses to melt in hell.
  • A cat tells a campfire story about how his owner wouldn't refill his bowl.
  • A mouse does poorly in a maze study because he's lactose intolerant and doesn't want cheese.
  • A duck tries not to make a duck face in a selfie.
  • A witch's daughter tries to get her mom to bring her a glass of water so she doesn't have to go to bed.
  • A dog gets carded at the liquor store and says he only has to be 3 to be 21 in dog years.
  • A bouncer refuses to let Eeyore, Charlie Brown, and Droopy into Happy Hour.
  • A woman giving birth has to leave the hospital because they don't accept Saturday deliveries.
  • A door is pushy with another door, but she's a pull door so she rejects him.
  • A fly has a fetish for being shooed away.
  • Little Bo Peep refuses Humpty Dumpty's egg snog at a nursery rhyme new year's party.

You searched for: refusing