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You searched for: reading

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  • Woman is shocked by pile of books on top of man but it’s just bookstore’s new horror display.
  • Raven says “never Moore” while watching James Bond movie with Edgar Allen Poe.
  • Introvert Airlines is always fully booked with passengers reading.
  • Man reads book of words rhyming with nursery to child.
  • Cat reads book on disemboweling small rodents while at the beach.
  • Woman traveling avoids other passengers with a book cover titled Stabbing Strangers Who Talk To You.
  • Fat witch regrets eating a whole gingerbread house.
  • The orbiting moon reads that you are not too small to turn the tide and impact change.
  • Numeral Pi sits in a chair reading The Never-Ending Story.
  • Wine is all you need to start a book club.
  • Romance Novels for Women involve men doing chores for them.
  • Woman's enthusiasm over gift is learned from book she received.

You searched for: reading