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You searched for: plants

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  • Fake four-leaf clover at bar stole leaf to hit on St. Patricks shamrock.
  • Jolly Green Giant veggie brand mascot at urologist has pea in a pee cup urinary health sample.
  • Naughty cats destroy house but win newspaper best behaved cat award.
  • Marvel Avengers character Groot on laptop website debunks George Washington cherry tree and wooden teeth myths.
  • Annoyed kitty rejects cat date’s poisonous flower bouquets, dangerous for cats.
  • E.R. doctors give hurt Jolly Green Giant vegetable mascot in hospital plant vine iv injection.
  • Branch arm snowman used mad snowman roommate’s potted plant to reach upper shelves.
  • Woman thinks house plants grow lights don’t work but huge cat sleeps under table.
  • Woman with fang tooth houseplant asks other woman why called succulents.
  • Telecommuting worker’s home office destroyed by new puppy intern pulling computer cord & making mess.
  • Woman gardening is disappointed talking forget me not flowers can’t remember her name.

You searched for: plants