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You searched for: obesity

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A store sells athletic shoes, and shoes for your actual life.
  • SpongeBob switches in round pants when he hits middle age.
  • Daily meetings increase the growth curve because of donuts.
  • Picard is concerned about the expanding base Data has.
  • A trainer can improve a man's fat index, but not his phat index.
  • A pair of pants asks her boyfriend if the person wearing her makes her look fat.
  • Tinky the Teletubby gets so fat he moves from 'tubby' to 'wide-screen.'
  • Snowmen gain weight in a snowstorm.
  • Scotty gets rid of Star Trek tribbles by eating them.
  • Alice throws the looking glass so she can eat things that make her larger without feeling bad.
  • Punxsutawney Phil's wife makes fun of the size of his butt.
  • Santa goes to Overeaters Anonymous to talk about binge eating cookies and milk on Christmas.

You searched for: obesity