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You searched for: miscommunication

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Owner mad guilty dogs chewed shoes but helpful pets solved her painful high heels problem.
  • Customer orders misspelled paper stationary bicycle instead of stationery exercise bike.
  • Green traffic signal lights E.T.s tell alien in UFO contact with crashed Earth drivers in accident didn’t go well.
  • Barista gives cafe customers in face masks coffees with mumbled names cups.
  • Chipmunk at dinner tells embarrassed chipmunk store food in face cheeks not rear end.
  • Snake eating egg at table tells other snake it was supposed to unhinge it’s jaw, not front door off hinges.
  • Man tells birdwatcher watching Sesame Street Berts in trees he thought they were going birdwatching.
  • Woman on date asks man his relationship goals and he says “know intimacy” but she hears “no” and leaves.
  • An umpire says he's going to work at home.
  • Ted thought he was asked to bring his stripper pole, not his striper fishing pole.
  • Bad cell phone signal makes a man think a woman is inviting him over for a sexy roleplay, when really she's breaking up with him.
  • Husbands adds third floor to house when wife only wanted a new tile floor.

You searched for: miscommunication