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You searched for: loving

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Happy dog wagging tail fitness tracker enjoys pet food, playing, fetch, pets & cuddling owner on sofa to achieve daily goals for happiness.
  • Injured dog expects ridicule but sympathetic pets in elizabethan collar cones welcome friend home from veterinarian together.
  • Hungry dog on laptop clicks enthusiastic always yes accept online cookies trackers question.
  • Snuggling cats love sharing heart-shaped candy box Valentines Day present together.
  • Monkey date apologizes fur infested in head lice but girlfriend loves he brought lunch.
  • Married Sasquatch husband on cellphone thinks insulting big fool text isn’t autocorrected.
  • Tricked owner says leg rubbing cats affectionate but bad kitty hides to trip owners carrying dinner plates on purpose to spill food.
  • Cat parents can only afford one Christmas toy gift but grateful kitten kids love sharing fun box, ribbon & wrapping paper best.
  • Termites family children enjoy infesting Christmas tree wood present.
  • Thanksgiving turkey cheater caught with red wine bottle tells jealous white wine not only one he goes with.
  • Thanksgiving turkey drinking at pub thinks flirting sliced bread lady is into him.
  • Space planets skeptical invisible new moon girlfriend hiding in dark really exists.

You searched for: loving