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You searched for: life or death situation

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dog poops on woman reincarnated as grass as punishment for not picking up dog poo.
  • Cat sees how many lives it used up on smartphone calorie counter fitness tracker app after cats’ tough hike.
  • Mayfly’s birthday card says “Life begins at 40 minutes.”
  • Cat writer at bookstore author visit signs cats copies of nine lives autobiography books.
  • Mayfly sitting awake frustrated by hour of life wasted by daylight savings.
  • Stale doughnuts on park bench watching young ones play discuss old age.
  • Earth is surprised to see how much ice cap he’s lost in photos on Facebook Memories.
  • Fortune teller shakes crystal ball predicting snowman’s past snowflake reincarnation.
  • Piñatas doctors in surgery treat pinata patient with Life-Savers candies.
  • Cat gets boring fortune read that his previous lives were exactly the same.
  • Humpty Dumpty claims that tv show Breaking Bad plagiarized his life story.
  • Mayflies watch It's a Wonderful 24 Hours because they have short lifespans.

You searched for: life or death situation