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You searched for: injuries

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  • The stone with the sword in it wishes it could see a specialist.
  • A dog doesn't want his friends to mark his cast.
  • Frosty the Snowman stops smoking when he melts his face off trying to light his corncob pipe.
  • A man complains that his wife forced him to go to the doctor, but he has a ladder imbedded in his head.
  • A man gets bitten by a dog, but it's a vampire dog.

  • A man gets run over at a Simon Says crosswalk.
  • The decision-making part of a man's brain is damaged and he can't figure out how he feels about it.
  • A cat's insurance only covers every other life.
  • A pirate wears a hook on his head because he lost his hair.
  • Embarrassed pirate picked nose with hook and needs patch.
  • When Seuss character attempts to eat green eggs, it hurts.
  • Tick gets caught in avalanche of animal fur during shedding season.

You searched for: injuries