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You searched for: identity

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  • A young Mr. Potatohead steals his dad's mustache to buy alcohol.
  • A raccoon robbing a bank forgets to wear its mask.
  • A can of Spam tells its therapist that sometimes it lies awake at night wondering what it is.
  • A cat goes to therapy and says he's been feeling obedient lately.
  • Sam I Am wonders if he really is Sam.
  • A baby only sleeps, eats, and poops, so cats think it might be another cat.
  • A spider informant is annoyed that one of his 8 eyes is showing when his picture is displayed on tv.
  • A corpse can't be identified, so police look at his LPs about teeth.
  • The Abominable Snowman is upset that no one describes him nicely.
  • Santa sues the Jolly Green Giant for ripping off his catchphrase.
  • A dog is a companion, a guardian, and a humidifier.
  • The Pillsbury Doughboy dies, and the medical examiner classifies him as a John Dough.

You searched for: identity