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You searched for: failure

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cat cashier calls for price of mouse traps while embarrassed cat hides face.
  • A man's New Year's resolution to only be in funny cartoons fails.
  • With people readings their phones on the beach, aerial advertiser flys "I give up" sign.
  • Bottle opener therapist fails at getting can to open up during therapy session.
  • Mom edits alphabet soup for son by taking out all the Fs.

  • While the wiener mobile is a marketing success, the haggis mobile was a marketing failure.

  • Scratchy toilet paper with pulp is a marketing failure.
  • To deal with problems, Earth decides to expel some things with selective gravity failure.
  • Shower blinds were a marketing failure because they caused floods in the bathroom.
  • Sal Monella's Deli is not having success at getting customers in the door.
  • Yoda fails at New Year's resolution to speak using proper sentence structure.
  • Knights tested success of human cannonballs against castle walls.

You searched for: failure