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You searched for: ear

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  • Easter Bunny's massage, just like eating a chocolate bunny, starts with the ears.
  • Female feline complains male turns ears to game during romantic dinner.
  • A teacher lets the eye students in the class get off easy.
  • Santa gives ear plugs to parents of child who received Talking Elmo.
  • More Superheroes you don't really hear about.
  • Car with cat driver has bumper sticker that says driver may brake unexpectedly to briefly clean self.
  • Mercury thermometer tells young digital thermometers a story of how hard life used to be.
  • Characters with obscure powers you don't hear about on Heroes.
  • Baseball player on cell phone is confused by what signals the coach is using.
  • At doctor's office, patient's eardrums are diagnosed with repetitive stress.
  • A bell patient complains to doctor about hearing talking in its ears.
  • Dog eared books come to the door when their owner comes home.

You searched for: ear