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You searched for: dinosaur

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  • A celebrity gossip magazine writes about Christmas themes.
  • A dinosaur mystic predicts that a dinosaur will be devoured by a huge land rover, both soon and very far in the future.
  • A caveman thinks a meal tastes like the prehistoric ancestor of chicken
  • Condensed primordial soup has smaller prehistoric creatures in it than regular primordial soup.
  • Godzilla jewelry is made of small women named Ruby, Amber, and Pearl.
  • Godzilla scares everyone, but they stop to cheer when he stomps the IRS building.
  • A T-rex discovers that a stegasaurus' spikes twist and pop off.
  • A mad scientist's time machine isn't Y2K compatible.
  • Godzilla spoons people from the Sugar Bowl into his coffee.
  • Godzillas go bobbing for men named Bob on Halloween.
  • A cave man invents the wheel and a pterodactyl wants to poop on it like modern birds poop on cars.
  • A baby Godzilla is jealous of his brother because his slice of the pie bakery has fewer people in it.

You searched for: dinosaur