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Man in chair is asked if it’s summer yet, sees shedding cat sneeze hair all over living room and answers yup.
Telecommuting worker in online meeting shoves cluttered mess away from computer webcam.
Telecommuting dad working on computer with kid, pets, dishes and laundry distractions can’t finish finis.
Existential philosopher shirt lectures clothing in laundry basket on permanent press permanence.
Drunk loaded dishwasher at bar New Year’s Eve slurs can fit another glass but bartender refuses.
Sneaky turkey escapes by hiding in feather duster disguise until day after Thanksgiving.
Dentist says man has no cavities but TSA airline security guard with different opinion says he begs to differ.
Woman cleaning dog poo on rug says puppy should be pronounced poopy with a long u.
Godzilla parent tells monster child not to come into the house until it wipes squished people from the beach off feet.
Fourth of July firework tells other firework reading Marie Kondo decluttering book that it’s afraid of things that spark joy.
Glass of water confesses sins to water purifier pitcher priest in church confessional.
Jellyfish pair are surprised after shark used their tentacles to floss his teeth.